1,400 exhibitors from more than 60 nations – New: Young Designer Trendtable to present visions of the future...
कारपेट क्लस्टर का ब्रांड, डिजाइन विकास केंद्र बनेगा(सीईपीसी) के चेयरमैन जयपुर के महावीर प्रताप शर्मा ने कहा...
It has also started a wastewater treatment facility at Anjar. Welspun will reuse the treated water from...
463,285 square meters of covered indoor space, 58,000 square meters of open-air space, 24 halls and pavilions:...
*भदोही के दो कालीन निर्यातकों के गलीचे भी शामिल * *जयपुर के 4 निर्यातक भी भी पुरस्कार...
India Carpet Expo 31st India Carpet Expowitnessed the overwhelming presence of 400 Overseas Buyersin first 3 days in addition to 325...
The 31st Edition of India Carpet Expo which was inaugurated on 11th March, 2016 by Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Honorable Minister of State...