India Carpet Expo 31st India Carpet Expowitnessed the overwhelming presence of 400 Overseas Buyersin first 3 days in addition to 325 Buying Representatives.
Shri Tariq Hameed Karra, Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) and Former Minister, J&K, Mrs. Rita Teaotia, Secretary (Commerce), Shri J.K. Dadoo, Additional Secretary and Financial Advisor, Ministry of Commerce, Mrs. Pushpa Subrahmanyam, Addl. Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, Dr. K. Gopal, Development Commissioner (Handicrafts)visited India Carpet Expo and saw the arrangement and facilities available at fair ground. They also met the participating exhibitors and overseas buyers and appreciated the new developments created by the Indian Carpet Manufacturers & Exporters and were happy from the response received in appreciation of Indian Handmade Carpets from visiting Buyers.
Leading and reputed buyers from US, U.K., Brazil South Africa, & other European Countries who visited the Expo, were very much impressed with the display of various Handmade Carpets and other floor coverings. They appreciated the arrangements made by the organizers and support Carpet Export Promotion Council provided them which they think will go a long way in promoting Indian Handmade Carpets in their respective countries.
Chairman, CEPC and Members of the Committee of Administration expressed their happiness and satisfaction with the results and the tremendous response received to make this Expo a great success. It is being hoped that tomorrow which is the last day of the Expo more buyers shall visit to make this Expo the most successful one.